
Angelic Alyssa
2 min readJun 20, 2020


As humans we have our exterior self and our interior self. Our exterior self is the side that we portray and want people to see. Our interior self is who we really are. Often times than not we want to project the best version of ourselves to others in hopes of some kind of internal approval. When we receive positive feedback that our internal matches up with our external we feel at peace.

In life you don’t need approval from anyone to be who you want to be, normalizing yourself for others will only suppress who you truly are. But this only shows that we feel the need of approval from other beings. We will search high and low to find our purpose aligning to our being & path. As humans no one individual is better than the other, we are all different in the same.

Inside we all have things that we don’t enjoy about ourselves things we want to fix or get rid of. Whether it is the way that we talk or don’t talk, or the way we decide to respond to things. Once we have accepted that all of those things make us unique we will find peace within ourselves.

If you put your mind to something you will come closer to achieving and reaching your goal. Your internal self will tug at you until you make that change in yourself. When your doing something you least desire you will feel constant discomfort, this is your purpose trying to alert you to do the things you desire. Everyone has a story to tell about how they ended up where they are now, but no one’s exterior self can reflect what people are truly feeling and experiencing inside.



Angelic Alyssa

I want to express my mind and experiences through my vibration to receive all things beautiful